Wednesday thoughts

books_brisingr.jpgMarch 25: The kids and I had our first Music Together class at Happy Bambino this morning.  It’s the first class (aside from story hour) that I’ve taken with Andrew since I was on maternity leave with him!  I’m excited to have a class to go to every Wednesday morning.  Attendance is Sylvia’s birthday present from Granny and Grandad…and she LOVED it.  She was grinning and bouncing and squealing the whole time.  (Andrew was curled in the corner with his bottom lip protruding most of the time…it was a little boisterous for him.  But bizarrely, when we left, he lept up and down exclaiming about how fun it was (!!??).)
Tom is playing with Andrew now, and Sylvie is napping, which is giving me a chance to catch up on the happenings of the interwebs.  I haven’t been on the computer in the evenings for a few days.  I started a book and am knitting a baby hat, and both of those activities are addicting.  When I am reading a good story, I have a very hard time doing anything else.  Like feed my children.

The other day, I thought, “I won’t read my book until after the kids are in bed.”
Then I wandered into the room where the book lay innocently on my nightstand.
“I’ll just move the book to the bed so it’s ready for me tonight,” I thought.
There it lay, nestled upon my comforter.
“I’ll just lie down on my bed for a moment.  Feuf!  I’m tired!” I lied.
“Wow, this bed sure is cozy, and Andrew and Sylvie aren’t in imminent danger, so maybe I’ll just cozy up to this large book that also happens to be on my bed.”
“I’ll open the book to the spot where I left off last night.”

Bad, bad, bad.  Isn’t something considered an addiction when it interferes with your normally functioning life.  Yes.  Reading addiction.
But after that, I’ve gone cold turkey for the last couple days.  Instead I’m working on a sweet little hat.  Almost. Done.  Must stay up one hour more…  Another addiction.  I think I have an addictive personality.

Anyway, enough about me.  Today is my brother Joe’s birthday!  21 years old today.  In Sri Lanka.  He’s done some great posts recently.  You can read them (and comment too…that’ll make him happy) on his blog: Plato’s Footnotes.
Michael’s birthday was last week.  We went to dinner together and had a nice time and ate yummy cake.  I have photos.  They’ll get edited and uploaded soon.

Soon as I finish my book!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
<runs to bedroom>