All through the night

March 16: One of my mom’s favorite lullaby’s was from Hansel and Gretel, “Sleep my child, and peace attend thee; all through the night.”  I like singing it to my kids.  But up until Saturday, March 14, Sylvia hadn’t partaken in the song’s suggested timeline.  This last weekend, she finally slept “all through the night.”  It was magnificent. She slept from 7:30pm to 7am without waking us once.

A couple nights before, I had slept through the night.  Bryan woke up with her once.  Also on Thursday night, she slept for a total of 14 (!!!) hours.  She went to bed at 7:30, woke up at 3 am to nurse, and then didn’t wake again until 9:30.  Unbelievable.  In general, the switch to daylight savings time has worked really well for our family this year.  We kept putting the kids to bed at their normal bedtime (which felt to them like an hour early), and then they slept until their normal wake-up time…or much later.

Along with her crazy-long nighttime sleeping, last week Sylvia switched to a single-nap.  It seems like she’s back to waking at 7am and napping at 9am and then 2pm.  But last week she was waking at 8:30 or 9am and then napping at 11 or 12 for several (or more) hours.  Overall, it was an amazing week for sleep.  And what a joy my young girl is to be around when she is well-rested.  It makes such a difference!