Christmas photos

christmasfamily.JPGDec. 27: After doing my quick Christmas morning post, I’ve been away from my laptop for a couple days.  I’ve just sat down and sorted the photos from Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the 26th.  Christmas Eve we spent here at my house.  My siblings, their sig-oths, and Dad came over, and we had rib roast, Yorkshire pudding, and a heap load of side dishes.  It was a lovely evening.  Everyone helped, either with childcare or cooking or cleaning.  Then we had a nice Christmas morning here with our little family.  Around noon on the 25th, we headed over to my Dad’s house for the day.  My dad’s brother Scott, and his wife, Marcia came up from Chicago to join us, and we all made a huge fondue meal.  It was a lot of fun.  The Zilics were in Chicago for the day, so we missed them, but it was a fun Christmas.
Pictures are in the gallery from Christmas Eve (and a couple days before), Christmas Day, and December 26th.  Enjoy!