Christmas morning!

christmas_morning.JPGDec. 25:  We had a lovely Christmas morning here in the Dotzour house. Sylvia is currently dressed up in an adorable dress, and she’s crawling around the room with her new doll from Granny and Grandad.
Last night, my family came over for a feast, some singing, a bit of present opening, and a lengthy game of Christmas poker.  Between going to bed past midnight, getting up three times with Sylvia, and having Andrew come in at 6:30 (as per normal), I’m less than bubbling over with energy right now.  But it’s a good, mellow kind of feeling.
Andrew had no idea that he was getting more presents this morning.  However, he quickly became a speed-demon present-opener.  Sylvia doesn’t get the ripping paper thing yet.  However, she loves to maw down on bows:)
The big present of the day is a kitchen for the kids.  I LOVE it.  They love it.  We’re going to have some fun!
Photos from our morning are in the gallery.