Quickest tree shopping ever

Dec. 14:  Yesterday morning, Bryan, Andrew, Sylvia, and I went to Jung’s Garden Store to pick out our Christmas tree.  We thought about cutting one down, but the idea of keeping things simple seemed more appealing.  The four of us walked into the lot, Andrew ran over to the first tree in the aisle, and said, “I love THIS tree!  I want to get THIS tree!”  It was a fir, which is what I was looking for, and it was a good size.  We asked if he wanted to look at other trees, but he insisted that all his love was devoted to this particular specimen.  So we said, “Easy enough!”  And we walked out with our tree.  Bryan was happy to see that his son has shopping tendencies that mirror his own.
In other news, when I brought Sylvia in to say goodnight to Andrew last night, he kissed her and smiled, saying, “Mommy, she smells like laughter!”  Heart melting.
We’ve got the tree up, the house smells like Christmas, and Sarah and Wes came over yesterday to play, make cookies and toffee, and share sweet Charlie with us:)  It feels like Christmas.