We’re home again!

wackyfamily.JPGDec. 2: Ahh, home again.  Andrew bundled up in his snow gear this morning and tromped around our yard, making tracks in the snow.  Our flight home yesterday was smooth.  Sylvia only had a few crying moments, and Andrew was again as good as good can be.  That said, traveling is tiring in general, and with two little ones it’s more than slightly exhausting.  Bryan and I were both dragging by the time we met my dad at the airport.
We’re enjoying a quiet day at home.  Sylvia woke up from her nap after 40 minutes, so I’ve decided to let her cry until she falls back asleep.  She’s currently not very happy with this decision.
Andrew and I played his new Sequence for Kids game, and he’s now playing with his basket of animals, all curled next to me in blankets on the sofa.
The photo here is one I considered for our Christmas card since it captures a certain element of our life right now, but decided I’d go with something a little more calm instead:)