Thanksgiving visit recap

thanksgiving.JPGDec. 1:  We’re heading home today.  It’s been a wonderful visit.  Andrew just adores everyone here, and Sylvia had a great time exploring and expanding her skill-set (she’s learned how to walk while pushing a small chair!).
As you might guess, I took more than just a few (OK, 300) pictures while we were here.  A narrowed down, but still substantial set are in the gallery.
The weather was often in the 60s or 70s…today a north wind kicked in and chilled it down a bit.
We took a nice walk at a nearby forest earlier in the week.  Andrew played nearly constantly with Melanie or Grandad or Ben or Granny.  He especially liked the Lincoln Logs, Grandad’s animals, and the great 1970s Fisher Price toys.

Granny provided several amazing meals.  Thanksgiving dinner was amazing.  Then we also had a lasagna (Mom’s recipe) and fettucini alfredo dinner.  Last night, we did Mexican buffet, with tostadas, nachos, and soft tacos.  Yum, yum!  Sylvia loved everything.  She’s willing to eat just about everything so long as she can gum it!

We played a poker tournament, and we all had fun trying out Mark’s new crokinole board.  He learned how to play with his grandad when he was a little boy, and we all enjoyed flicking the disks across the board.  Some more than others…I was a relatively terrible player:)

Sylvia started pointing at things this week.  When we ask her where Ginger the horse is, she looks at it and points!  Photos of her riding Ginger are in the gallery.  Too cute!

The kids are both on the tail-end of being sick, but unfortunately we passed their cold on to their grandparents.  They seem to be only mildly affected, though, so that’s a good thing.  Sick kids can get everyone sick!

We’re supposed to be home by 9pm tonight, so I hope all our travel goes well.  Now, it’s Christmas time!