
tongue.JPGNov. 21: Sylvia isn’t taking her afternoon nap.  I can’t convince her.  After trying to get her down for a half hour, she was quiet for about 10 minutes, so I started a post about sleep.  Then she started crying, so I went in again to try to quiet her.  The girl was practically bouncing up and down.  Resigned to the idea of no afternoon nap (which means that in a couple hours things are going to be pretty unhappy around here), I came out to see that Andrew had closed all the windows on my computer.  Post gone.
Not only that, but I’m feeling slightly less than friendly toward my little man because he threw an all-out tantrum as our friends were leaving from a play-date this afternoon.  He wanted to watch a DVD.  He was climbing the walls and wailing as we were trying to say goodbye.   It wasn’t cool.  Not behavior I expect from a three-year-old Andrew.  So I’m feeling rather peeved by Andrew and baffled by Sylvia.  And I have no post on sleep except to say that I wish she would sleep more.  Maybe we can all just take a nice two-hour nap this afternoon.  Then we’d all be in a better mood!
Addition: After writing this, I discovered that the pack ‘n play that I had offered to loan to Heather for the week is still up in St. Paul at Maretta’s house.  I realized this as her dad was on his way over to pick it up!  Fortunately, my friend Pam had an extra one at her house.  So around 3:30, I packed both my grouchy kids and my grouchy self into the car.  We drove to Pam’s house – Sylvia fell asleep. We drove to Heather’s house – Andrew fell asleep.  I drove through the country watching the geese fly low in formation as the sun set in a sherbet of color while listening to NPR.  Sleep for the little ones and a little restoration for me.  Turned out to be a pretty good afternoon.  I think it was a good thing that I had to do the pack ‘n play shuffle:)