
sorting.JPGNov. 21:  It is so interesting to start to get a real sense for Sylvia’s growing temperament.  I’m very hesitant in general to put labels on people because I think it can be limiting.  I don’t want to pigeon-hole my kids, and I don’t want to come to any conclusions about their temperament that could change the way I interact with them and inadvertently push them into some kind of mold.  That said, I spend a lot of time thinking about their growing personalities, and I think I can safely make some statements about the way they are today.  Not to say that it won’t change next week, but some things about those two are very true for them right now.

For example:

The other night when Terry, Tom, my dad, Michael, and Lisa came over for supper, we were talking about Andrew.  Terry said that if he had to describe him in two words it would be strong-willed and meticulous.  Other words that I can think of for him are organized, imaginative, self-assured, bouncy, focused, contemplative, kind, determined, mellow, and loving.  (By the way, if anyone ever wants to play “Describe your child,” I’m in!  I’ve discovered that I love hearing other people think about my kids in this way!!  Add your own thoughts to the comments here if you’d like to join in right now:)

Sylvia is a very different little person.  For example, I would not describe her as mellowSpirited seems more up her alley.  And joyful.  Energetic, spunky, engaging.  She’s got some fierceness in her that she expresses by loving things intensely or being extremely displeased when things don’t go her way.  And while Andrew can certainly be strong-willed at times, I’d give that adjective more to Sylvia.  She has a lot of wonder…it’s so nice to watch her sit in the yard and stare at the trees and plants for hours.  She is strongly tuned-in to the people around her.  And she loves faces.  Would that be described as personable?  The other night, Lisa described Sylvie as spontaneous and spirited. I’d add boisterous to her list.

And I’d go on, but she just woke up from her nap!  Coming, my little free-spirit!