
Nov. 7: Andrew is at preschool and Sylvia is blessedly napping, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to share a personally deprecating story.
Last night I had hooked up my laptop to my external hard drive to work on some old photos.  Forgetting that it was plugged in (with a very short cord), I stood up with the laptop and began walking.  The cord quickly stopped me.  The laptop flew from my hands, smashed into my shin, and hit the ground.  Fortunately, the laptop and the external hard drive both came away unscathed.  I wasn’t quite so lucky.
I got a gash on my leg that quickly started swelling up like a goose egg.  I was nearly in tears (OK, I was in tears), and Bryan couldn’t figure out what had happened.  “From the laptop?” he questioned.  I was moaning in pain and hobbling around to check to make sure the computer was alright, and Bryan was sort of questioning my fortitude.  “I don’t need your pity,” I said, “but I could do without the demeaning comments.”  (Note: Bryan is one of the kindest, most loving people I know.  And I tend to be pretty tough.  The fact that I was moaning over a bump with my laptop did seem a little absurd.)
Well, when he got a look at my leg, he ran to get me ice, helped me elevate my leg, and held the ice on it. That was about the time that shock set in.

I kid you not, my teeth were chattering, and I had a couple blankets on.  I couldn’t stop laughing because the whole thing was so ridiculous.  I imagined going into the emergency room and trying to explain that, no, I hadn’t walloped myself with a crowbar.  Somehow I had kicked a falling laptop with my shin.
After an hour, it felt better, so we went to bed with my leg elevated on pillows.  It feels fine this morning.  Looks kinda nasty, but at least it’s winter now, so no one needs to see my legs.
I’m happy to find that my laptop is in fully functioning order.  Just one of those crazy things.