Now entering Facebook

Oct. 28: You’ll soon be able to find me on Facebook.  That’s right, after years of hearing about it, I’m jumping in.  Bryan joined a few months ago, and he always seems to know so much about what’s going on in our friend’s lives.  My main hesitation has been that I like to keep my blog up-to-date and I like to read my friend’s blogs and my mom/cooking/crafting blogs, and I don’t know if I have time in my life for another area of computer time.  It’s not like the kids often say, “Hey Mom, why don’t you just check your email for a bit and we’ll play safely and quietly here together.”  No, they don’t say that yet.  So I do my computer work during stolen moments here and there.  And now I’ll add Facebook to my list of things that I’ll want to check.
So do you want to be my friend!?