What a beautiful wedding!

fab4.JPGSept. 11: (aka DC recap volume four)  The underlying reason for our trip to DC is because my lovely friend Kacy got married on Saturday, August 30.  It was a stunning wedding.
Kacy, Anne, Heather, and I were good friends in high school…the Fab 4 was what we were called.  We were all in cross-country, drama, mock trial, National Honor’s Society, Kace and I were in debate…so lots of extra-curriculars!  The four of us met up in DC in December to hang out together, but in general we only see each other in Wisconsin on holidays.  So that all said, it was so much fun to spend a couple days hanging out together.  We laughed and laughed and danced and couldn’t stop smiling.  It’s so fun to be at a wedding where a friend is marrying a really great partner.  It feels good.

kacyscake.JPGKacy did a beautiful job designing an elegant, fresh, beautiful event with many carefully tailored details.  Photos are in the gallery.  There were around 75 guests attending.  They had an outdoor ceremony with a string quartet and cicadas providing background music.

I loved her flowers.  Roses in pinks and reds, green and white hydrangeas, and pink calla lilies set the tone.  The bridesmaids wore deep pinky red dresses.  And her cake – it was stunning.

One nice idea she had was to frame wedding photos of family members and to have them on display on the mantels where the reception started.  It was a nice way to tie in family.  She also gave her bouquet to her grandma – who was clearly touched.

I loved discovering all the well-thought-out details.  From the linens to the delicious menu to the way they had named their tables after places they had visited together, it was a really fun and polished affair.

We also really enjoyed attending the rehearsal dinner the evening before where I got to meet some of Kace’s friends that I had heard a lot about over the years.  It was fun to see her parents and brother again as I don’t think I’ve seen them since high school!

On Sunday, Anne and I attended a bridal shower for Kace at the Tabord Inn.  Another fun event…I’m so glad I was able to come to DC for her wedding!