Mid-August recap

grandadreading.JPGSept. 6: I never got around to posting pictures and a write up of our mid-August, pre-DC activities.  Pictures from just before and just after our trip are in the gallery.
On August 20, my family gathered at Ginza of Tokyo to send Joe and Becky off to college with a feast.  Becky called us yesterday morning while she was on her way to her second day of classes.  Sounds like things are going really well.  Her hiking trip was a lot of fun, she said her roommate is a great fit, and she’s loving her classes.  She sounded really relaxed and happy.  Makes me glad!
Joe is up at Bowdoin now.  I haven’t talked to him since getting back from my trip, but classes should have started for him as well.

Just as Becky and Joe were heading out to their colleges, Terry was heading out west for a month of scenic exploration.  He was going to be  totally crazy and reckless and go without a schedule, but that didn’t end up working out.  His detailed travel itinerary is attached below.

Bryan’s dad came into town on Friday, August 22 to spend the weekend with Bryan when the kids and I left for DC.  It worked out really well…we got to spend a nice morning with Grandad, and then Bryan got to spend three days with his dad.  They explored Milwaukee, went to a Brewers game, enjoyed some music at the Orton Park Festival, played chess, and just got to spend some good one-on-one time together.  Bryan really loves his dad, and we all miss spending regular, good, unstructured time together.  This weekend was a good antidote to the gaps in our time together.  Thanks for coming up to spend time with my boy, Grandad!