Last week of summer = vacation

Aug. 22: Last night I went to American Players Theater with Jessica’s family and with Terry.  Both had invited me to go with them, so I picnicked with Jessica and watched the show with Terry.  Bryan was home alone with the kids all evening long (5pm until 11pm), and it sounds like they did really well.  What a guy!
Andrew, Sylvia, and I are flying out to DC tomorrow to visit Heather, Michael, and Evelyn and Grace, Tim,and John.  We’re staying with Grace this weekend and next weekend and with Heather through the week.  Next Saturday my friend Kacy is getting married, so it should be a really fun vacation and wedding!  This will be my first flight solo with both kids.  They’re good fliers, and it’s a direct flight, so I’m not particularly worried.

Bryan will be home alone for the week, and as a fun surprise, Bryan’s dad was able to get tickets to come up and spend the weekend here.  Bryan got Brewers tickets, and I am so very, very glad that he and his dad will have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time togehter.  We both really wish that we lived closer to Bryan’s family.  I know that Bryan would love to be able to just hang out with his parents more often.  So this should be a real treat.

Sylvia just woke from her morning nap.  It’s been about an hour.  She’s crying hard, and I’d like her to wake happy…indicating that she’s had enough sleep and not just somehow woken up.  Hmmm.  How to know whether to go get her.

Andrew and I watched some video this morning of him when he was Sylvia’s age.  Gosh was he cute.  As he watched the video, Andrew was saying, “I love my sweet little hands!  I love my cute little mouth!”

Tonight we’re going to a baby shower for one of Bryan’s co-workers.  Should be fun!  I’ll be back on Sept. 2, so ta-ta until then!