Safe home; home sick

Aug. 12:  Sylvia and I returned home from Vermont late (1am) last night.  We had a wonderful time at my friend Jennifer’s wedding.  Grace and I spent a fun few days together, and Sylvie did an absolutely fabulous job being a cute kid.  She turned six months old yesterday!
Andrew came down with a coughy, snortily cold while we were gone, and Sylvie and I both woke up this morning feeling rather cruddy.  My throat feels like sand paper, and I feel achy and like I could crawl in bed and sleep for about four hours. Oh well.
I took about 400 pictures at Jennifer and Do’s wedding.  And I still have pictures from Jack’s to post.  Soon, soon!  We’re home for the next two weeks, and then on the 23rd Andrew and Sylvie and I fly to DC.  Good to be home for a while:)