The second half of summer is nigh

sprinkler.JPGJuly 21: I can’t believe that we’ve already reached late July.  Oh, sweet summer.  Slow down, slow down!  The days fly by on fleet feet.  So far, our July has been remarkably unscheduled.  We had three weekends in a row with almost no pre-planned activities.  But now, all that changes.  Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • Bryan’s mom is flying up here tomorrow and will be taking Andrew down to Texas for his first solo visit.  Bryan, Sylvia, and I are following this weekend and will be coming back up with him next week.
  • Our annual weekend at Jack’s house is the first weekend in August this year.
  • The second weekend in August, Sylvia and I are flying to Vermont for my friend Jennifer’s wedding. Jennifer and I went to graduate school together.  Grace and I will be meeting up there and rooming together.
  • The third weekend in August I’m home and unscheduled.
  • The forth weekend in August, I fly with the two kids to Washington DC to visit Grace, Tim & John; Heather, Michael, & Evelyn; and Kacy & Reuteger.  Kacy’s wedding is on August 30.  I’ll spend a week hanging out with folks in DC (my new stay-at-home role allows for such lollygagging!), and then Bryan is joining me for the wedding.  I’m really looking forward to it!

We may be heading to Ann Arbor for a visit in September too, so that’s our late summer travel excitement.  It all should be a lot of fun:)