Tom’s improving

July 11:
8:30pm: While Michael and Joe watched Andrew and Sylvia, I headed over to the University Hospital to visit Tom.  He seemed amazingly well considering the surgery he went through just a couple days ago.  His throat is really sore, so he is whispering, but he was talking and joking and seemed really “with it” for someone on a substantial amount of morphine!  He’d been up walking several times, but he’s also prone to moments of utter exhaustion.  The doctor stopped by while I was there, and they are planning on moving him out of the ICU and to a normal hospital room tomorrow.
By the by, I’ve never been in an ICU before.  Good grief.  Just walking down the hall…there are some really hurt people there.  Uhh…I can’t imagine.  It’s a really serious place.  Sort of made me want to run far, far away to a place of peace.  Also sort of made me want to go immediately to medical school so I can help people there too.
3pm: The news from my brothers is that as of last night, Tom is sitting up in a chair, off the ventilator (while still on a heavy-duty air mask), and able to communicate.  He may be moving out of the ICU in the next day.  Still a long road to recovery, and he’s not out of the woods yet in terms of infections and surgery success, but we’re on the right track.  Way to go, Tom!