Birthday fun

bryanandme.JPGJune 30: Well, yesterday was a lovely birthday.  I got to sleep in a little, my sweetie made me French toast for breakfast, and we had a slow morning at home. Around noon, we went to a farm with our neighbor Nancy.  Andrew had a great time seeing Alpacas, donkeys, a goat, horses, and many doggies.
Late afternoon, we met up with Joe and Becky, Michael and Lisa, Dad, and Terry, and we all headed up to Baraboo to eat dinner at one of our favorite restaurants – Ishnala.  We had a huge meal, including shaum torte for dessert, and we all left stuffed.  All in all, a good day.  And one where I rarely thought about the fact that one year ago was when Mom was first getting some negative health diagnoses.  Nope.  Hardly thought about it at all.
Pictures from our day are in the gallery.