Birthday weekend

smiles.JPGJune 28: It’s shaping up to be a beautiful weekend.  Yesterday Andrew, Sylvia, and I went to Bryan’s office to join him for lunch.  He’s moved from one side of the UW Research Park to the other side, and we hadn’t met a couple of his new co-workers.  It was fun to see his new diggs, and Andrew really enjoyed getting some treats from Bryan’s co-worker, Dawn.
After lunch (Hubbard Street Diner…mmm) the kids and I went over to Uncle Bubba’s to hang out with the uncles for a bit.  Joe ends his work week at noon on Friday.  He’s splitting his time between an internship at the Madison Symphony (20 hours) and work at Gathering Waters Conservancy (10 hours).  Andrew just adores his uncles.
snuggles.JPGSylvia’s nighttime not-sleeping routine is improving.  The last few nights have gotten better and better (it’s easy to get better when she was waking up every hour!), and last night she only got up at 1am, 4am, and 6:30am.  She even then went back to sleep until 8! I’m sure that my children’s sleep patterns are not that interesting to read about, but it so affects the joyfulness of our days!
Tonight we have our third Happy Bambino kiddos birthday party.  Then tomorrow is my birthday, and Terry’s taking our gang to Ishnala for dinner.  Should be fun!
I had forgotten to link to some pictures I took earlier this week.  Such cute kids!  I couldn’t decide which picture to post with this update, so I picked two!