A really wonderful day

boysinboots.JPGMay 31: On Friday, my co-worker, Vicki, and her son Alex came over to our house, and we had a wonderful time.  Sylvia took a couple of very long morning naps, and then when she woke, she was so happy.   Sleep begets sleep, and she also went down for a nice early afternoon nap. Andrew and Alex had a blast playing together.  They colored and ran around the yard and practiced using the potty.  I had gotten enough sleep the night before, and I just felt really good.  We all made blueberry muffins, and Vicki and I got to visit for four hours…delightful.
It’s so fun to watch Andrew and Alex play together.  Compared to where they were a year ago, they’re such big boys!  Pictures of the last few days are in the gallery.