Special instructions for people like me

terrine.JPGMay 29: I’m trying to make a fruit terrine that was featured in Wondertime magazine as I strained the jarred pineapple juice into the already strained mandarin orange juice in a saucepan, I read in the recipe, “drain the grapefruit juice into a pan.”
Grapefruit, pineapple.  They’re both compound worded fruits.  Too bad that pineapple contains an enzyme that prevents it from turning into a gelatin.

The funny part, was upon realizing my mistake, I started scanning the recipe, hoping to find something that said something along the lines of:

“If you accidentally purchased pineapple instead of grapefruit, don’t fear!  Pat yourself on the back for attempting a new recipe, finding the jarred pineapple in the first place, and even for just navigating the grocery store with two kids!  Instead of the terrine, try making the fruit salad identified below.”

No such alternative instructions were to be found.  Either they ran out of space on the page or they presumed that most people would actually purchase the ingredients identified.  Hmmm.  Now I’m two hours from dinner and both dinners I have planned have to marinate for 6-12 hours.  This may or may not be the best planning.