Serious lack of chocolate

May 15 (3pm): Sylvie has been asleep for about 20 minutes.  And my core is re-centering.  I do have one major problem, however.  I need chocolate.  Really, a lot, I do.  I should have an emergency stash set up for just such occasions of half-day baby crying jags.  On the other hand, I probably would have obsessively eaten it all before noon today.  That’s actually why I do not have any chocolate on hand.  My bags of chocolate chips were disappearing way too fast, so I decided I couldn’t be trusted with them any more.

I wish I had a root cellar or a trap door like you’d find in a 100-year-old house in New England.  I would have a fireproof box full of dark, imported chocolate.  I’d tiptoe down the the basement, move burlap sacks and shove aside an old trunk to open the trap door, and then, viola.  Chocolate heaven.

OK that’s it.  I’m making brownies.