April 20: On Thursday, Sylvia and I joined my Gathering Waters friends for a fun day in Chicago. Everyone (but Vicki) drove down to Chicago for a fun day of eating and shopping and museum-going. A perk for both current and recent employees. I was so happy to be included; I just love my co-workers. They are some of my favorite people.
Pam and I drove down together with both babies. Mercy is a week younger than Sylvia. All day, the girls were champs. They hardly had any problems, and they fit right in. Meanwhile, Andrew spent the day at Karen’s having fun playing with all his old favorite toys. Pictures of our gang are in the gallery.
We shopped at Nordstrom’s. The shoe department was…amazing. Karen wrote a great description of the shoe experience in her blog. We ate lunch at a great restaurant by chef Rick Bayless called Frontera. Oh, boy, it was gooood.
Then we went to the Shedd Aquarium for much of the afternoon. When the aquarium closed, it was rush hour, so we decided to shop and eat instead of returning home. We explored Crate and Barrel and then had a yummy dinner at the Grand Luxe Cafe, where everything, especially the portions were grande.
Pam and I didn’t get home until almost midnight, but we had a wonderful day. I feel so lucky to have such great friends. They make me laugh and feel oh-so good about life.