My new job

meandsylvie.JPGMarch 25: I’m typing with a sleeping (at the moment) baby slung across my lap. As is her want, she fell asleep nursing, and I should not move her if I want her to continue to sleep.  Andrew is taking a nap today (thank heavens…I think it’s his first one in the last seven days!!).  So I can sit amidst the silence for a moment and just be still.
Today is the first day that I am home solo all day with both kids.  Since my maternity leave has no end (I’m not going back to work at Gathering Waters), I kind of feel like today is the first day of my new job as full-time mom.  It’s been wonderful and amazing to have had help for the first six weeks of little Sylvia’s life.  Bryan, his mom, Grace, and my siblings have been such a huge help.  This on-our-own-ness is coming at a good time.  Sylvia wakes about three times in the night to eat…meaning that I’m only awake for an hour or so cumulatively.  I’d love 8 uninterrupted hours, but our current system is working pretty well.

And spring is just around the corning (isn’t it?!).  The sandhill cranes and red wing black birds are back. The chickadees and cardinals are singing their spring songs.  I’m really looking forward to all the outdoor activities I can do with the kids and with my friends this spring, summer, and fall.
This morning I pushed Andrew down to the library in his stroller.  It feels good to get out and stretch my legs!  (When we got out of the library, we discovered that the stroller had a flat tire, so Andrew got to walk home and stretch his legs as well.  We stopped at every puddle to hop in.)
How very lucky I am to have two marvelous kids to spend my days with and such wonderful friends to play with as well.  Cheers to the future!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Joey today.  He’s 20!