So many things to write about…so little time!

withbunny.JPGMarch 20: My mental list of things to write about has been growing and growing these last days. It’s 10 days since my last fun post, and I’ve started keeping a little slip of paper with reminders to myself about things I wanted to share.  It seems though that I barely turn on the computer before Andrew needs something or Sylvia isn’t cool with the idea of me trying to hold her and type simultaneously.  My siblings are all in town this week, and we’ve been doing fun things.
Maretta and I have been doing wedding planning.  We took Joe shopping for a new suit.  We celebrated Michael’s birthday yesterday.  There’s good stuff going on!  And in the evenings, I am totally out of energy for anything.  Oh, my poor neglected pile of thank-you cards!
I’m continuing to take lots of pictures, and there are some good ones from last week in the gallery.
Andrew is doing wonderfully as a big brother, we’re getting out for walks now that our road is not a solid ice field, and Sylvia is consistently doing at least one 3 hour stretch of sleep at night.
When I started this note, Andrew was in his room for his rest time, and Sylvia was asleep.  Now Andrew is taking apart a box of printer cartridges, and Sylvia is nursing as I try to type.  If I don’t catch the phone when you call or am long in replying to your emails, just know it’s because my hands are full.  Fully of fun, very active little ones!
Happy first day of spring!