Great visit with Grandad, Granny, Melanie, and Ben

introductions.JPGMarch 4:  We’re just back from having dropped Granny Lu off at the airport.  We had a wonderful visit with Mark and LuAnn and Ben and Melanie from Thursday through Sunday.  Then LuAnn stayed until today to give me some extra Andrew-care while I buzzed about town with Sylvie.
It was so fun to introduce Sylvia to her family.  It’s amazing that we’re all just meeting her for the first time, and yet she is going to be such an important person in all our lives from here on.  The weather was cold for our Texan family members, but they braved the elements and headed out into the yard to build a snowman.  The snow wasn’t that cooperative, so they ended up adding a snowman head to the top of a large pile of snow.  It turned out really cute.
Bryan’s mom gave us a beautiful quilt that she’s been working on these past months.  It’s purple and yellow and just wonderful.  I want to look at it all the time.
[Side note: Sylvia woke from what should have been a long nap and was very fussy.  So I just sat her in her chair and turned on the loud fan above the oven.  Now she’s either asleep or totally content.  Wow. White noise does work!]
Andrew loved playing with some of his favorite people these last days.  He just adores his family.  And they must adore him too, given how willingly they play the games he wants to play over and over and over and over again!
Pictures of our weekend are in the gallery.  Also, for a fun comparison, check out the pictures from Andrew’s third week in the summer of 2005.