Cute things Andrew is doing

Feb. 7: Andrew has said a number of super-cute things in the last week, and I need to write them down before the memories flutter away.
The other morning, Bryan was talking to Andrew in pirate talk.  “Avast ye squab!  Ye be eat’en your orange or yeh be walking the plank!”
Andrew looked earnestly at Bryan and said, “Don’t scare me.  I’m just a little boy!”  After laughing, Bryan said, “Alright then, wee lad, if yeh don’t want to walk the plank, I’ll just make yeh me first mate.
Have a parrot.”  Andrew placed the imaginary parrot on his shoulder and said, “He’s a little parrot!”
In the mornings, Andrew likes to come in bed to cuddle.  Then he crawls down to the foot of the bed under the covers and starts to growl.  When we ask what kind of fierce creature is in our bed, he calls out, “I am a Bengal Bengal Tiger!”  Eventually, after some coaxing, he crawls back out and proceeds to eat us. “mumumumummmm”
Andrew has a play saxophone, and he and Granny have been dancing for probably hours to some of the songs it plays.  Then they lie down on the floor and Andrew becomes a bouncy pillow for Granny to rest on.
The other night after dinner, Andrew leaned conspiratorially over to Bryan and said in hushed tones, “I have a secret.  We could do play-doh.”
Story Hour
We’ve been to story hour at the Pinney branch library for the last couple weeks, and it’s so fun to watch Andrew.  He’s really reserved, but he’s paying such close attention.  Even though it takes a little coaxing to encourage him to move along with the songs, he talks about them for days afterward.  And during the reading of stories, he actively listens even when all the other kids are racing around the room.