Waiting, waiting

Feb. 5: It’s been a quiet day here.  I think I’ve done nearly all the planning and preparations I can think of, so I found myself sitting around this morning in a bit of a funk.  Fortunately, I had lunch plans with Karen, so that got me out of the house.  I ran some errands, did some shopping for Andrew and for the little one, and in general enjoyed being out and about on my own.  Andrew took a three-hour nap for his granny today, so she got some quiet time here in the afternoon.
We’re experiencing the start of a major snow event here.  Laura, my doula, called this afternoon to see if we were seeming to be heading toward labor (no) and to remind me to give extra time for her to come over and for us all to get to the hospital since the weather may be pretty difficult.
Baby girl continues to move about, but doesn’t seem to be in much of a hurry.  I told her that life out here in the world is pretty good.
Sure, it’s a little bright and a little cold, but there’s good things like milk and snuggling, and my darling dear, there are shoes!