Morning musings

Dec. 20: I’m up early this morning.  I think it’s a combo of being excited about Joe coming home today and having that pre-trip adrenalin that always gets me excited and my mind working in overdrive.   I think that having the living room light work Andrew up, because although it’s only 5:50, he just joined me in the living room.
His train that is set up in our living room just traveled, “over the bridge and over the dam. berries for jam!”  Now he’s on to puzzles.

Bryan and I opened some of our Christmas presents to each other last night.
I got him all sorts of practical (read somewhat boring) warm things like socks and a hat and gloves.  I am currently using the new computer gadget that he got for me…a much-needed external hard drive.  Our laptop’s memory is nearly maxed out, so I have been in near-dire need of more computer storage space!  I’m currently backing up all 75 GB of pictures and video.  It’ll also be a relief to have all of it stored in a second space in case of disaster:)

Our December has been a fun and busy month!  Last weekend, I traveled to Washington DC to spend the weekend with my good friends from high school, Heather, Anne, and Kacy.
We had a lovely time being together and catching up and eating lots of good food.  Bryan was my hero , and (for the third time this fall) watched Andrew solo for the weekend so I could go have fun and reconnect with friends.

We drove down to Janesville last night to visit Mum and to take her out to see the Christmas lights.  For some reason, it was a foggy night, but the snow was beautiful, and the lit-up houses twinkled.  Mum seemed to be doing pretty well, which is always nice to see.

My dad is celebrating a big birthday this year, but with all that is going on with his mom’s broken hip, it’s been a really busy time for him.  We’re planning on getting together for dinner this evening at our house.  Aunt Julie and Uncle Kevin might be joining us too!

I have felt like between travels and all the fun parties we’ve been gallivanting to this month that I’m barely able to get to all the holiday preparations that call to me.  So last night after getting back from Janesville, Bryan and I buckled down.  He wrapped presents while I finished up Christmas cards.  At this point, I think I’m content with either being done with some holiday prep or just not doing it before we leave for Texas.  Feels good to be able to set my lists aside!  Oh, except Michael’s present.  I still need to get Michael his present.

That’s the update for now!
