So much else is going on!

Aug. 22: I was about to start a post updating everyone on my mom’s health, but I felt like to do so, I needed to write about some of the other bits of life that are floating around at the same time.
It’s been a full evening!  I tried to coordinate a potluck party at the beach for a bunch of my Mama friends, but due to the massive storms that came through today, we switched locations to our house instead.  It was a small group…just two families, but I can feel the house still buzzing with the energy from their visit.  Three two-year-olds and two little babies create a lot of excitement:)

Around 8 pm, Joe stopped by with Becky and two of his friends from Bowdoin, Lindsey and Leah.  After spending the last week doing some gut-wrenching flipping back and forth about whether or not to return to Bowdoin for the semester, Joe’s decided to go.  So he and Lindsey and Leah are driving out tomorrow afternoon.  I think he feels really relieved to have made a decision, and this way, he can still come back home if he decides he wants to.  I’m excited for him.  Andrew will miss
his Uncle Joe, though.  They sure are buddies.
Andrew has taken up a new game these days.  He calls it “baby.”  It involves him “crying” and whining until we feed him, change his diaper, tuck him in, or give him a hug.  Then he wants us to be the baby.  He brings us apples and broccoli for food.  He came up with this game all on his own…I think he got the idea from a book we got from the library called Baby Talk.  What a silly and imaginative little boy!