Carpe Diem – year two!

memorialday.jpgMay 28: Yesterday was a perfect day.  It started with Andrew sleeping until nearly 8 am.  Andrew normally wakes up at 6:15, and I think he has slept past 7:15 a handful of times in his life.  That meant that I got to read Cricket in bed (one of my favorite activities ever) for 45 blissful minutes.  When Andrew woke up, he was as sunny as the day, and the two of us made hash browns as a breakfast surprise for Daddy.  After our slow and cheerful morning, we headed outdoors to plant the rest of our vegetable garden (summer squash, butternut squash, cucumbers, herbs, and beets in addition to the tomatoes and peas we planted last month).  We weeded and gardened, and Andrew did a great job helping us dig and water the plants.
After Andrew’s nap, we headed over to Michael’s house for a Memorial Day bash.  This time two years ago, mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and we are all so happy and relieved beyond belief to be able to celebrate this milestone together.  Last year we had a Carpe Diem party for mom (see pictures here). Next year on this weekend, Maretta and Kyle will be getting married!
Michael and his two roommates, Lisa and Alice, each got a kitten in the last couple weeks.  Alice has Portia, Lisa has Small Horse, and Michael has Xaxxon.  Pictures of the party and of the sweet kitties are in the gallery.  Carpe Diem!