Chilly weather, warm sweater

olbrichfamily.jpgFeb. 11:   We’re enjoying a nice, somewhat quiet weekend at home.  I worked on Friday (normally my day home with Andrew) since we were on vacation in Texas on Monday and Tuesday.  It was fun to have our new executive director, Mike, to fill up the long-vacant office.  Now we have a full-house again.
Yesterday morning Andrew and I went to Kids in the Rotunda at the Overture Center and heard a performance of the Harmonious Wail.  It was great music, and a really packed, fun event.  Then we went up to visit with Terry for a while.  During Andrew’s afternoon nap, Mom and I went to Macy’s (Marshall Fields shall rest in peace), and I got myself a few fun items to bring some life back into my wardrobe.  Maretta…we need to talk…I think I need to borrow a few items from you.  Then after Andrew woke up from his nap, we went to Janesville for a visit with Mum.  She was feeling great, and we took her to dinner at Culvers.  It was a fun time.  This morning, we hopped over to Olbrich gardens for a romp around the conservatory.
Pictures in the gallery include some cute ones of Andrew in the new sweater that he just got from my mom.  She’s been working on it for quite some time, and the results are incredible.  Andrew loves wearing it, and it makes him look just adorable.  Enjoy!