Greetings from Texas!

Feb. 5: Andrew is enjoying a story from his Granny Lu, so I thought I would take a moment to post an update and to say “Yay!  A little vacation in Texas!”  I spoke to our neighbor Nancy yesterday, and she said there was a wind chill advisory until Tuesday.  I do love winter, but it sure is nice to be out in the sun and the warmth for a few days.  We played frisbee and ball in the yard yesterday, and I watched people jog or bike by in t-shirts and shorts.  It seems strange to see people’s legs again after months of hiding:)
Good news about Heather’s dog Pippin.  As of Friday, he home and doing really well.  Sounds like he has beat a lot of odds, and while he’s not out of the woods yet, Heather and Michael are really enjoying having him home.
I’m also really very relieved because Andrew’s little friend, Eli, was in the hospital much of last week with pneumonia.  He was such a sick little boy, and we were all very worried.  But last I heard, he came home on Saturday, and is on the road to recovery.
At my work we have some new happenings as well.  Our new executive director starts at Gathering Waters today, so I have now completed my tenure as interim executive director.  It was a great experience.  Now I return to outreach and policy coordination just in time for the state budget.  Should be an exciting six months policy-wise.
We hope to take a walk down to the park once the sun heats things up a bit.  It’s in the 40s now, but I’m hoping for warmer temps in an hour or so.  That’s the update from College Station!