Back from Jack’s

hikeatjacks.jpgJan. 7: We just returned back from Jack’s house this afternoon.  What a laughter-filled couple of days we have had!  Terry couldn’t attend this trip, but Maretta and Kyle drove down from St. Paul.  Mom, Joe, and Michael joined the Dotzours, and we caravaned to Jack’s together in our van.  The weather was very-nearly balmy, and we enjoyed several fun hikes including a long hike on Jack’s land and a trip over to Pike’s Peak in Iowa.  We ate yummy food, played lots of games (poker with Bryan’s new chips and Trivial Pursuit), and all had fun entertaining Andrew.  Plus we got to see loads of Bald Eagles (at least six including one sitting and bathing for a long time on a log in the river in front of Jack’s house).
Thanks to Jack for hosting a lovely, restorative weekend for our family!  Many photos of our revelery are in the gallery.