
July 30: It was occurring to me this morning that most of my posts are about how fun and wonderful Andrew is.  I put pictures of our trips and visits with friends, I happily announce Andrew’s developmental milestones, and for the last six months, I’ve had only positive things to say about Mom’s health.  So as I was looking at the loads of laundry and the dirty kitchen floor and thinking about the weeds in my garden, I thought that maybe it was time to post a more mundane update.

  • I have yet to write a set of thank-you cards and reply to emails from dear friends.  The guilt should be staggering..
  • I spent the last week reading two novels from Elizabeth Peters (and not writing to friends). Sometimes I find myself trying to read while Andrew is awake, and that is just a bad idea.
  • Storms have blasted through the area recently, and while all our trees and house are alright, our 6 foot tomato plant was not.  It toppled into the rest of the garden, and now the beans and peas and basil and cilantro are trying to grow through it.  We learned that we need twice as much ground to grow the number of things we planted.  Ahh..maybe next year.
  • Our white car has pretty much stopped providing air conditioning. 
  • I miss Apil a lot
  • Even without April’s fur and trackings around the house, the floor still gets remarkably dirty.  I wish someone would clean it.  hmmm.  I think that’s my job.
  • I wish I could train the cats to clean their own litter boxes.
  • Instead of accomplishing my household to-do list, my main goal today is to take a shower and to get out of the house.

So while life is smooth and nothing is wrong, I didn’t want to give the impression that all we do is go on vacations and marvel at Andrew.  Nooo I also read novels and watch Deadwood series II.