Tom is in the hospital

July 9:
5:00pm: Tom has been doing alright today.  Joe and Michael have been staying with him at the University Hospital’s ICU.  Joe said that while Tom is mostly unconcious, he has been able to communicate, nod, and indicate that he needs more pain meds.  He still has a breathing tube, and they expect to keep it in for another day or two.  At this point, the main concerns are the high risk of internal infection and the unknown whether the surgery was successful.  The next five to seven days will tell.  If all goes well, he’ll be getting better.  If there is an infection or a problem with the surgical site, the problem should manifest itself in that time.  That’s the update for now!
9am: We got some bad news last night.  Our family friend, Tom, is in the hospital after having emergency surgery for a bowl obstruction.  He was in surgery last evening for four or five hours.  Michael and Joe were at the hospital and saw him in the ICU.  He’s on a ventilator and under close observation.  If all goes well, he should come out of ICU in four or five days.  Really serious stuff.  Michael was going back to the hospital this morning.  I don’t think I’m going to be able to visit much until he gets out of ICU since I don’t think I can take the kids there.  Tom’s family is out of state, and Terry is in Oregon visiting his family this month.
Poor Tom.  It’s a tough time.