On July 27, we took a trip to
the Detroit Zoo. It was a fun trip, and we got some neat pictures
of the animals we thought we would share.
had amazing bird and butterfly houses. It's really incredible to
watch huge butterflies _flap_ their wings to get going ... and to get buzzed
by tropical birds!
This is the outside camouflage for the striking iridescent blue inside.
This butterfly is feeding with its long proboscis.
This guy came to check us out. The humidity was pretty high in the
bird house, but we went through it twice to get a chance to see these cool
I think there were birds in every shade of the rainbow. This guy
did a good job representing lilac.
These terns had fancy mustaches curling out on either side of their face.
In the bear department, there was plenty to see!
This grizzly bear was positively grinning!
This exhibit had about seven polar bears and lots of people watching.
They had just been fed and were pretty active.
We saw some big kitties that reminded us of our little kitties at home. Here were a couple.
Playful as can be, these two looked like Spooky and Bowser during
play time.
I think I had a couple pictures of our guys sleeping on the back of the
sofa somewhat like this king.
Crazy looking ant eater!
A favorite ... the hippo. It was funny to watch him sleep under water
and then lift his right nostril just a bit to get a breath.