Wedding Photos

Although our wedding was over a year ago, I thought I would put up some photos that Aunt Julie (my dad's sister) took on the happy day.  I've got a lot more, and they are much bigger, so if you want any, let me know and I can send them to you:)
P.S.  Sorry there are so many pictures on this one page.  I hope it doesn't take too very long for it to load for you!

  Althea and Grandma having fun at the rehearsal dinner.

  Bryan and Althea in the carriage.

Michael and Miranda (our flower girl).

  Cutting the hippo cake.

Taking pictures.

The garter toss.

My brothers, Joey and Michael.

Kaleb (the best man) and Bryan.

Me and my mommy.

Grandma and Grandpa Babler with Scott and Julie.

Terry about to be a monster....grrrrrr

A great picture of all our grandparents!

Mark enjoying the reception.

Me and my new mom.

Bryan having a good time.

  All Bryan's boys getting ready for a picture shoot.

    The wedding party.
Grandpa watching Joe Gatone play.

Grandpa taking over for a bit.

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Last updated August 21, 2000