Dotzour Planties

Artistic plant shots

November 2000
Nicole, the Christmas Cactus developed some beautiful blooms.  She really was a show piece for a bit.  Unfortunately, after only about 1/4 of the buds opened she was attacked by some vicious red spider mites and all the unopened buds fell off.  Maybe next year.

January 2001 Violet Blooms
I got two new African violets in the fall on the TLC shelf at Franks.  After my sad experience with my last violet, Emily, (she got root rot and died a long death), I had decided to stay away from violets.  But these two were in a cute little basket together and they looked really healthy and I decided to try again.  In an attempt to not kill them with attention, I decided not to name them or think about them or even really aknowledge their presence aside from a little weekly watering.  To my joy (disguised by apathy), one of the little violets started blooming this December.  It really has a lot of blooms now, so I decided to take some pictures.  Its partner also just shot up some buds, so this all makes me very happy (in a hidden, not caring sort of way).  Maybe one day Rumford the orchid will also decide to bloom...

Back in college, I had a few plants (Anita '96, Joyce '99, Oscar '99, and Victoria '99).  In the past year, we've aquired a few more together (Oddish '99, Florence '99, Nicole '00, Emily the violet '99, died '00, and the sweet pea sprouties '00, died '00).  Since we've moved to Ann Arbor, we've found some fun balcony plants and a beautiful inch-plant.  Here are some pictures of our green little ones.

Indoor Planties

Oddish (center) and Rumford-the-orchid (to the left) in their new window.

  Anita's new home is in the office.  While she doesn't seem to like it as much as the huge wall she had to dangle over in our home in Northfield, she's doing quite well.

Victoria is a lovely lady.  I do hope the kitties don't try to eat her because she's poisionous for them, and her dangling tresses are pretty toy-like, but so far, they've left her alone.

Zebrena is our newest plant.  I got her at Frank's Nursery (where I work).  She's a "Wondering Jew" or an "Inch Plant".  Her leaves are all sparkly and purple and green striped.

Here's Joyce (left) and Oddish in their window.  Joyce is a fig tree and lost quite a few leaves after we arrived, but now she seems to be doing well and has a lot of new growth.  So far the kittens haven't tried to take over this sunny east-facing window from the plants:)

  Oscar is a rubber plant.  I put him outside on the balcony to see how he would like some extra light.  So far, he has loved it!  If he keeps growing this fast, he'll be a tree before long!

Nicole is a Christmas cactus.  She's out on the  blacony to dry out a bit over the summer.  I'm hoping for some blooms in December!

Balcony Planties

As well as the hanging plant (which you can see on the Birdies Nesting page), we have a couple other summer plants.

I had two pots of sweet pea seedlings that I had started from seed last February.  Neither pot was doing so well, but I put them out on the balcony to see what would come of them.  Almost immediately, they shriveled up.  The bird seed that the birds flung everywhere, however, ended up in the pots, and here you can see two of the big sun flowers that are now growing up.  One sweet pea plant did survive, and you can see it's one little flower under the plant on the right.

We got this flower box at the farmer's market soon after moving in.  It's been so beautiful to watch grow!

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Updated January 12, 2001