Favorite Ponies...Momma and Baby Glory

Glory's Story

Glory was looking for a special friendm one who believes in magic. One day she came upon a grand castle and saw a beautiful young girl sitting by the pond. Glory made an unusual sound. The girl turned to look at Glory, then ran toward her, arms outstretched in greeting. "I dream about you every night. Are you really here? Oh, please, please be here!" she exclaimed. Stars shot across the sky as Glory nestled her head in the young girl's shoulder. Glory knew that she had found her special friend-her friend that truly believes in magic!


Glory is my favoritest pony.

Baby Glory

Baby Glory is the sweetest little baby:)

 These two are the best Ponies I have. Glory is the most magical pony and she has such a lovely white body with pretty sparkley shooting stars on her butt. Baby glory was my favoritest thing in the world for a long time, and I still keep her nice. I always liked these first babies best of all..


Here is a kinda silly picture of Momma and Baby Glory dancing together. They love to do fun things with each other!