Maine Vacation Part IV: Graduation Day

Click here for Part IPart II, and Part III to hear the start of our story!

Friends.  One thing I found remarkable about visiting Bowdoin College and seeing a bit into Joe’s college experience was meeting his friends.  I went to Carleton College, which is a similar kind of place, and Joe and I are relatively similar kinds of people, but while I had perhaps four close friends and seven good friends at college…maybe two of whom I keep in close contact with (Hi Sarah and Wes!), Joe seems to have a large, very close community of friends who clearly adore each other.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much affection at a graduation before!


Joe’s graduation was held outdoors on their lovely campus.  The graduates and teachers and alumni walked all around campus before the ceremony.


While we sat and listened, the three little kids did very well (Andrew played on iPhones the entire time and Sylvia enjoyed some nice packages that Heather had put together for the girls).


There are 105 photos from graduation, and you can find each and every one of them here.  If you’re so inclined, here’s a slideshow!

The speeches were all well done.  I particularly enjoyed the student’s speeches.  Here’s Joe receiving his diploma:

10-05-28_Maretta_277And our new, official graduate.

10-05-28_Maretta_288The paperwork…

IMG_0162Now for some pics of our graduate with the fam.  Here’s Joe and Terry:

10-05-28_Maretta_295And Joe and Dad:

10-05-28_Maretta_297Joe and the kids:


Joe and me:


The four kids and Dad:

10-05-28_Maretta_391Joe and Maretta ham it up.  They’re sooooo dramatic:)  More pics of this charade in the gallery.

IMG_0093Joe with the Lerners.  Joe, you kinda tower over them.

IMG_0079Sweet, sleepy Evie.

IMG_0078Joe with brothers, cousin, and nephew…”the boys.”

IMG_0292After this little family photo session, we met up with Joe’s friends and Maretta and I followed him around like paparazzi.  Hugging ahead!







Here’s Joe with this year’s roommates: Marc, Sasha, and Lindsey


And an earlier set of roommates:

IMG_0223Here’s his larger group of friends.  I think most of them lived on the same dorm floor this year.


Here are the friends he might live with in DC:

IMG_0168More friends; more hugging:





IMG_0276Joe, I am so glad that you had such a loving group of people with whom to surround yourself these last four years.  From our brief time together, they all seem like wonderful people.  I wish them all the best!!