July 4th

Our 4th of July (eeks, that was over a month ago!) was full of low-key fun.  Andrew, John, Bryan, and Tim all played a lot of soccer in the yard with Andrew’s new soccer goal and ball.


There was some fancy footwork going on out there!


It was Boys against Dads, and those boys were really hustling.


Meanwhile the moms were engaged in other 4th of July pursuits..07-04-11_gracetimjohn_186


After soccer, it was time for some water play.  Slip and Slide!07-04-11_gracetimjohn_199


Tim cools off:)07-04-11_gracetimjohn_206


Now the boys are holding onto water balloons.  These water balloons have the unique ability to not pop when thrown at a person.  They only seem to pop when they hit the earth.   Makes for interesting, bouncy game of water balloons!07-04-11_gracetimjohn_207

Kids in the tree.  This is the little volunteer maple that’s starting to become a substantial tree!07-04-11_gracetimjohn_209


Dinner on the picnic table.07-04-11_gracetimjohn_213

For dessert, Red, White, and Blue (with hot fudge and sprinkles).


Yummy, yum, yum.07-04-11_gracetimjohn_226


After a long day, Tim reads the kids a bedtime story.07-04-11_gracetimjohn_227


I like how they’re all snuggled up together:)07-04-11_gracetimjohn_229



After the kids were in bed, Grace, and Tim and Bryan went to Monona to watch the fireworks.  I stayed home and photographed sparklers.07-04-11_gracetimjohn_236



I put the camera on a tripod and ran about the yard…07-04-11_gracetimjohn_248

07-04-11_gracetimjohn_250Hope your July was a good one!

Ice cream time

There’s nothing like some frozen custard on a summer day.  When Grace and Tim and John were visiting, we all enjoyed a treat from Michael’s.  The kids really got into their food.


That’s one contented girl!


Me and Grace!



Andrew and John got cones.  They are a messy, messy way to eat ice cream!07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_141


Notice that in this picture, Andrew’s ice cream is still in his cone…07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_142

Here’s my favorite 2011 picture of John and Andrew.  They look a little like they have chocolate pirate beards!



What cute boys:)07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_146

Biking with John

When our little buddy John was visiting, the boys did quite a bit of biking.  John rode Andrew’s bike (sans training wheels), and Andrew rode on the tag-along behind Dad.  Off they went for adventures in Madison!



Two boys, ready to hit the road.07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_102


Did I mention that they are goofy boys?07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_106


Boys and Dads, ready to roll.07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_109




Grace, Sylvia, and I picked up the boys at Tenney Park and then we all drove over to Michael’s Custard on Monroe Street for lunch.07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_119


What a big guy he is, doing a long bike ride on his own legs!07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_120


Yummy hamburgers.07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_121

After lunch, we went and got ice cream.  That, my friends, is a mess for another post.07-03-11_gracetimandjohn_125

Firefly hunting with Grace and Tim and John

We have a standing visit with our friends Grace and Tim and John over the 4th of July weekend ever year.  Here’s some pictures from the past: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and now 2011. Whenever we get together, we eat lots of good food and have lots of fun.
Here we are sitting down to a meal inspired by the trip Grace and I took to Arizona in the spring.  It’s Bandera’s Macho Salad (recipe here) and cornbread (recipe here).  Please note, that Bryan has asked me never to make a different corn bread again, ever.  This recipe is as good as it gets.


07-02-11_gracetimandjohn_005I made strawberry Shaum Torte for dessert.

Here’s the recipe from my mom and before her Tekla Loeber (that’s my mom’s maternal grandma…I think).


1 cup egg white (preferably room temp)
2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp vinegar
2 tsp vanilla

Heavy whipping cream sugar
Fresh strawberries


Beat the egg whites with mix master until foamy but not firm. SLOWLY add two cups sugar. Then add the vinegar and vanilla.
When very stiff, turn onto an ungreased spring form pan.
Bake at 275 degrees for 1 hour

gas oven: preheat to 500 degrees. Put torte in overn, close door. After one minute, turn off oven, leave door closed, and torte in oven for 3 to 8 hours.
electric oven: preheat to 400 degrees. Turn off after 10 minutes, leave in 3 to 8 hours.

Fill with whipped cream and sliced, sweetened strawberries.


The kids had fun chasing fireflies in the yard.  Sylv got dressed in her firefly costume from Halloween last year.


This is one of my favorite pictures.  He’s about to catch a firefly…and it’s even lit!


There’s Grace and Tim, looking relaxed:)


Summer evenings are just the best!


Here’s Andrew with a firefly on display.


Sylvia the firefly hunting for her brethern.

John and Sylvie intent on the capture.

They were all very gentle with their insect prey.07-02-11_gracetimandjohn_060

Two buddies in 2011.  I think we need to start feeding them!07-02-11_gracetimandjohn_065

She’s so cute!



Can you see the little firefly above her outstretched fingers?  07-02-11_gracetimandjohn_080

So cute:)07-02-11_gracetimandjohn_094It’s been over a month since our visit, but the memories are still fresh and bring lots of smiles to my heart.  Thanks, Grace and Tim and John for coming out to see us!

Fairy time

On a bright and breezy June afternoon, I pulled out Sylvia’s fairy canopy and hung it from our front yard tree.

06-28-11_summerplay_002Here’s a picture of me in December 2007 getting the canopy for Christmas just before Sylvia was born.  It hung over her crib until she was old enough to pull on it, and since then, it’s been in storage, waiting her her to be old enough to hang it again.

I am so excited about my silk play canopy for the baby!

Sylvia's newly set-up canopy crib

I loved seeing theses kiddos enjoying a quiet lunch  under the purple gauze of the canopy.  We sat still and listened for the sounds around us, and we all went around and shared something we’d noticed that day that made our hearts glad.

So pretty!06-28-11_summerplay_012

Here’s pretty Celia.  Sylvia looked at this picture and noted that she looks kind of sad.  I just think it’s hard not to get lost in those big brown eyes.


Here’s a picture I love of my Eli and Celia.  I printed it as a float wrap and gave it to Jessica for her birthday.  Such beautiful little people!

06-28-11_summerplay_024 A couple days later, it was my 34th birthday!  Bryan and I went to American Players Theater and saw a great production of Taming of the Shew.  Thanks to Bubba and Lisa for watching the kids while we had a great night away.

One of my favorite parts of a play at APT is the pre-dinner picnic.  Bryan got us set up with some delicious cheeses, wine, hummus, bread, and fruit.  It was a great birthday!


Summer outing with Granny and Grandad

Bryan’s parents were in town the weekend of Andrew’s birthday party, and we all had such a nice time together!  We played ball in the yard, played Quirkle in the evenings, ate some good food, and went on an afternoon outing to Olbrich playground and gardens.  Here’s a few of the pictures from our time together.  Thinking back (it’s been a month), I just have a contented smile come to mind when I think about our weekend.

Here’s cute Sylvie…

06-24-11_LuAnnsCamera_006Me and my sweetie.  We’ve been married 12 years!


Looks like Sylvia’s having Rodan fight the new dragon.   06-25-11_LuAnnsCamera_032

Here we are at Olbrich park.  We enjoyed a picnic (compliments of the left over birthday party food), and we lay on our backs watching the sun shine through the trees.  Andrew and Sylvia climbed all over the playground, we played frisbee, and even tried out Andrew’s new purple soccer ball.


There’s me and my birthday boy. 06-26-11_LuAnnsCamera_013

There’s me and my strong girl. 06-26-11_LuAnnsCamera_018

Grandad and Sylvia walk through the gardens hand in hand. 06-26-11_GrannyNGrandad_127

Andrew and Sylvia love to play on the hosta leaf sculpture at the entrance to the gardens.

06-26-11_GrannyNGrandad_171If we had unlimited funds, I’d have something similar created in our yard. It can be a slide or a ship or a cave or a snail.  The perfect play area for kids.

Here Andrew and Sylvia sit on top.


Love those kids!


Sylvia walks on Bryan’s feet. 06-26-11_GrannyNGrandad_145

There was a patch of sunlight shining directly on this hydrangea.   So beautiful with the dark and the light.06-26-11_GrannyNGrandad_159

We took a tram ride around the gardens (I learned a lot from the tour).  En-route, Andrew took a couple pictures of LuAnn.  Love that he got her from his perspective:)


Thanks for a fun visit!  Today (July 27), Andrew and Bryan are heading down to Texas for the week.  It’s Andrew’s summer visit to Texas, and this year, he requested that it be a boys week.  So Bryan will be working remotely during the days and hanging out with his sweet parents in the evenings.  They should have a blast!  Thanks for a fun visit, Granny and Grandad!

Andrew’s 6th birthday party at the beach

Andrew’s sixth birthday party was held (again) at Tenney Park Beach.  Having a June birthday makes for such easy party planning!  Pick a park, invite some family and friends, get a pinata and a cake, and voila – party:)

After arriving, we set out the food, and of course, the beautiful castle cake.


Andrew is seeing the finished product for the first time.  Granny added two knights at the front and a castle-destroying dragon at the back.


06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_009Here’s the dragon, tearing down a wall of the cake-castle. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_021

What a great birthday cake.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Sylvia requests her own castle cake come next February. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_023


Andrew did a nice job of hosting his party this year.  Here he is with his best bud from school – Jayquan.06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_044

Two buddies.  Andrew’s missed his friend this summer! 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_050

Here are some of the girls working on a sand castle.  I told Andrew he could invite six friends.  In addition to Jayquan, he picked Alivia and Rayna and Eli and Celia.  So sweet! 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_058

Here’s a sweet pic of Andrew and his dad. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_039

Andrew has a loose tooth!  You can see that the grown-up tooth is coming in right behind his front left baby tooth. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_066

The kids had a lot of fun clambering around on the monkey bars! 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_096

Bryan and his mama. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_113

Here’s me and Kathy.  Thanks to Bryan’s dad for taking the camera for a bit to get some photos of me at the party! 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_116

There’s me with my dad and Bubs. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_122

Lighting candles at the beach can be a bit of a trick.  There was a breeze, and the candles wouldn’t stay lit, but we contrived a way to block the wind long enough for a new six year old to blow them out. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_135

Here’s our crew.  My friend Samara happened to be at the park, so her daughter Anika (who knew Andrew when they were both babes)  joined in for the pinata fun.  Then there’s Alivia, Celia, Eli, Andrew, Jayquan, and Rayna in the front.06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_146

Everyone got a turn whacking the pinata horse, and then Eli (I think) broke it open.  Andrew got the final turn to blast out the candy. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_165

Here’s the kiddos gathering their candy horde. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_173

There’s pretty Alivia. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_178

And Sylvia opens her up as she goes. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_179

Looks like Alivia was quite successful in her candy gathering:) 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_181

Party decor… 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_188

Uncle Bubba was the chief party entertainer.  He helped Andrew and Eli and Jayquan happily play together.  And he was jungle gym extraordinaire.   06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_201

There’s me and Lisa. 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_204

And one of the few pictures of me and Bryan occupying the same frame… 06-25-11_AndrewsBirthdayParty_225

There’s me with both my dads and my bro.06-25-11_LuAnnsCamera_017To everyone who joined us, thanks for making the party a fun time!    And for those of you farther afield, thanks for the birthday wishes and loving presence you are in Andrew’s life.  He’s one happy and lucky 6-year-old boy:)

Playing with Granny and Grandad

Back in late June, oh, actually a month ago today, Bryan’s parents flew up to Madison to help us celebrate Andrew’s 6th birthday.

As usual, at my request (Please, please, please!), Granny made Andrew’s birthday cake.

Here, Sylvia helps Granny lightly apply sprinkles to the cupcakes:)


06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_004LuAnn found a design for a castle cake in her Betty Crocker kids cookbook.  At first, Andrew had been pretty sure he wanted another Godzilla cake (that would have been year 3), but when he and Granny brainstormed cake ideas, he thought the castle cake was a great idea.
06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_039Here’s the chef and her #1 decorator…
06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_032Granny baked and assembled, and then the kids got to help add the crenelations.

06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_055 Some frosted ice cream cones doused in sprinkles became the towers, and pieces of chocolate bars made the windows and drawbridge.06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_068Here’s the happy birthday boy with his granny!
06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_070Friday night, the kids had fun racing around the yard with our new giant croquet balls.

Here’s Gandad with his kiddos…


And Granny gets a snuggle too.


Having fun playing together!06-24-11_GrannyNGrandad_112-2

This is the basswood tree we planted for Andrew just before he was born.  Now at 6 years old, they’ve both grown so big!



Greetings all!

I’m writing to you from my couch in the early hours of the morning.  Sylvia woke up at 4:30, and by the time I got her back to sleep, I was feeling pretty awake myself.  I considered going to the Y or for a run, but instead, I crawled back to my familiar nest on the couch with my friend the laptop.

A couple nights ago, Bryan and I sat down to watch a couple episodes of Parenthood, and I figured I’d do something on the computer while I watched.  36 hours later, I’d completed a massive photo-uploaded campaign.  I didn’t go to bed until almost 3am, and then I worked on it constantly most the next day.  Why do I do these things?

I started this blog in May 2005, and since that time, I’ve shared about 10,000 pictures (that averages out to about 5 images a day).  But I’d got to thinking that I have all these pictures on my computer from 2000-2005 that aren’t available for sharing.  What good are they doing me on my computer when they could be available to family and friends and the wide world?  What if I’m away from my computer and wanted to know what year I visited Yellowstone?  Now I can find out (it’s August of 2002).

Before uploading the photos, I had to pick my favorites (fortunately, they’re all organized on my computer into folders by activity and season).  Then I uploaded the photos into Flickr using my new version of Lightroom.  Each album (known in Flickr lingo as a set) gets put in a collection, which I list by season.  Ridiculously, the sets had to be dragged one by one into the correct order.  It took hours.  However, I’m happy to say that all 608 sets are now in happy chronological order.  My heart is at peace.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the collections:

In the last day or so, I’ve uploaded about 4,000 images from my early digital camera years.  It was a little like being in a mind warp to spend a solid day immersed in the images of a time long gone.  I’d forgotten how many photos I’d taken of my plants and my house and my cats and of April.  Pre-kids, I had to unleash my photographing needs on something!

I loved looking back and remembering some of the best times of my married life pre-kids.  Good visits with friends, camping and weddings and holidays with family.  I liked seeing all the many pictures I’ve taken of our apartments and homes, and I can clearly remember the potent mix of feelings I had when we left our friends in Ann Arbor to come move to Madison.  It’s sad to see pictures of us with people who are now gone…especially my mom…but it’s also lovely to revisit some of the times we were all together.  For me, photographs take me back to the moment the shutter clicked.  I can feel the breeze and smell the air.  I can remember how a moment later, I reached over to touch the person.  So spending a full day processing all these images makes me feel a little like I fell down a rabbit hole.  “When are we?” I want to ask.  Then my kids clamber about, and I remember:)

You can see all my photos organized by:

  • Collection (season)
  • Set (album)
  • Tag (although I’ve only tagged about 1/4 of the pictures)
  • Calendar (see the image below).  I think my camera’s date information wasn’t working for much of the early 2000s, so most (but not all) pictures before then don’t show on the correct date.  However, it’s really cool to flip through the months and to see a pictorial journal over time.

OK, I’ve had 14 blog entries (all drafted and waiting for some attention) and a few photo sessions to finish, so enough with this obsessive photo archiving business.  Enjoy taking a trip down memory lane:)


Andrew’s birthday

Andrew’s 6th birthday was on June 22nd.  I can’t believe that my little guy is six!!

Remember when he was zero?


Or just one year old…

One year old on a swing.

A new Two

There's the birthday boy!

There he’s Three.

Granny and her (little) boy





And now Six.


For Bryan’s birthday in May, I had picked up some eclairs and croissants from Java Cat for breakfast.  Andrew requested the breakfast “chocolate cake” for his birthday.  And when he woke up he was delighted to see me come home from the gym with his birthday breakfast treats.  Cake for breakfast…a fun way to start the day!




After swimming lessons, we headed over to Jessica, Eli, and Celia’s house for lunch.  Andrew requested a candle, and Jessica happened to have a “6” candle for him.  So she cut open a peach and we all sang.


Sweet hugs between Andrew and Eli…

06-22-11_atJessicas_007 Jessica looks on


So glad that my kids have Jessica in their lives.

06-22-11_atJessicas_010 I think she loves him:)


He had a happy birthday indeed!  After playing with our friends for the afternoon, we went to Andrew’s favorite restaurant – Flavor of India – for “Indian ‘Uhfet”  His favorite food?  Chicken tikka masala along side a mango lassi.  Yummy, yum, yum.  Welcome to Sixdom, Andrew!  I think it’ll be a great year for you.