Maine Vacation – Part III: LL Bean and Lobsters

Click here for Part I and Part II to hear the start of our story!

…After spending the afternoon at Lands End, we split our group.  Joe and Dad and Terry and Michael went to Joe’s Baccalaureate ceremony at Bowdoin.  The rest of us drove over to Freeport to visit the LL Bean mothership store.

Photo from the wikipedia commons

Joe and I had visited the store back in 2005, and for the past five years, as I browse their catalog, I’ve thought to myself, “I won’t order that now…I’ll wait until I go visit Joe and get it at the store!”  Well, it turns out that I never did visit Joe at school (sniff!), but I took full advantage of visiting the store this time.

I got the kids fleecey-lined hoodies (orange and purple).  Evelyn got a pink one.  I got a pretty green shirt for myself.  That’ll be my version of our Maine souvenirs.  Sylvia was tired (no nap for two days) and really, really, really wanted some pink flip flops that she found.  So she threw a class III tantrum as we were departing.  Ahh well.  Memories.

From LL Bean, we traveled back to Bowdoin where we met up with the Baccalaureate crew (who were running late because the fire-alarm had been pulled mid-ceremony by a wayward child) and headed to the all-school Lobster Bake.

IMG_0031Ahh, lobsta.


10-05-28_Maretta_237Sylvia had a bite of lobster and liked it, but then she didn’t want any more.  She was much more interested in eating just plain butter (see below as she finishes off a pat).  I sit nearby pretending not to watch.

IMG_0035So that finished off our first full day in Maine!

10-05-28_Maretta_240We headed back to the cottages to put the kids down for bed and to relax.  Joe headed back to his dorm for his last night as a student with his college friends.  Good night, Maine!  Thank you for sharing a wonderful day.

Maine Vacation – Part II: Visiting the coast

If you missed Part I, you can find it here!  I’ll start you out with a slideshow of photos of our first day in Maine.  There’s 100…sorry, I usually edit things down more, but I couldn’t.  I think 25 is a great number of photos to share.  100 is just me being lazy:)

After our Bowdoin College visit, Joe got us some yummy sandwiches from the Big Top DeliThe Goose sandwich was delicious and contained key words including “Gouda” and “avocado.”  Yum!  We took our sandwiches and drove from Brunswick to Lands End on Bailey Island…about 20 minutes from Joe’s school.

View Larger Map

Then we picnicked next to the ocean.  Ahh…


After a day of air and car travel, spending several hours exploring a rocky, ocean shore was just the ticket.  We adjusted our schedule so we could stay and play longer.




My brothers took Andrew down the rocky shore for some adventure, and Sylvia and I dipped our toes in the chilly salt water.



IMG_2836We hunted for sea glass and found lots of beautiful rocks and tiny shells.  After carefully collecting a pile of our favorites, the kids gleefully hurled it all into the sea.

IMG_2849The kids and I had fun dipping our fingers in the water and tasting it.  “Salty!!!”

10-05-28_Maretta_217We got a perfect day of weather for our outing.  Sunny, a little breeze.  Our lungs full of ocean air.

Maine Vacation – Part I: Playing with my fam

Vacation Time!

Bryan, Andrew, Sylvia, and I flew out to Maine on Thursday, May 27.  We’ve been anticipating this vacation for months, and we were all so excited.  The kids now love waking up “in the middle of the night” (somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30am) to go on trips.  We had a long day of travel with layovers in Detroit and LaGuardia. However, Sylvia has really turned a traveling-corner, and both kids were champs.  We flew with my dad, and fortunately we all got in to Portland with all our bags (to avoid the checked bag fees, we had four suit cases and three backpacks.  Plus two carseats checked.  So much stuff!).  We met up with Terry, Tom, my sister Maretta and her husband Kyle (who live in St. Paul), my brother Michael and his wife Lisa, and our friends/”cousins” Heather, Michael, and little Evelyn (who live in DC).  For those of you who are counting, that makes 14 of us including Joe.  Quite a crew!


I love being together with my family.  Makes me so happy.  I think we all particularly missed having Mom here for this occasion.  She’s our hub, and she would have so enjoyed the weekend and the successful launching of her last little chick.


Terry found us some wonderful cottages to rent about 20 minutes from Bowdoin.  I think it’s fair to say that I was blown away by them.  They were beautifully decorated.  The kitchen was amazing.  The details were so thoughtful and well-crafted.  And yet they had a nice cottagy, not-too-big feel.  The 14 of us split between two cottages (we stayed at Cottage #516; The Calderwood), and we spent some lovely hours in the evening sitting by the fire or chatting on the porch looking out at the river.


On Friday, we visited Bowdoin and explored a little of Maine.  Terry took me and Maretta and Heather to a wonderful yarn shop called Halcyon Yarn.  It was by far the biggest, most well-stocked yarn store I’ve ever had the pleasure of browsing.  Apparently they do most of their sales via internet and catalog, so look them up!  Terry found some un-spun cashmere fiber ($185/lb) that we enjoyed petting for a little while.  Maretta got a set of the Addi Turbo interchangeable knitting needles, and Heather got a book on knitting two socks at a time.  A very Heather thing to do:)  I got a kit to make felted balls with the kids.  Such pretty colors!  Should be fun!


Then we met up with the rest of the gang, and Joe gave us a tour of Bowdoin and showed us his dorm.  Now the last time I was at Bowdoin, Joe was a high school senior and Andrew was three months old (see the album here!).  Joe loved Bowdoin, but he was rather scared out of his mind that he wouldn’t get in.  So it was really cool to have my second visit to Bowdoin be my happy brother showing us around the campus he has grown to know and love so much.  I’m really proud of him!


Wow!  This post is getting long.  I’m going to take a break and come back at you with more details tomorrow.  In the meantime, if you’d like to see more pictures from our first day in Maine, you can see them (all 100 of them from day 1) here!

Hi! I’m back!

Dear Internet (friends and family),

I appologize for leaving you these last weeks.  You’ve been on my mind.  Occasionally, I write posts in my head about the cute things Sylvie is saying, the adorable way Andrew is being her big brother, the milestones that the kids are passing, the job changing that Bryan is going…and then I sit down and edit photos.  Because that, my friends, is what I have been doing these last weeks.  Fastly.  Furiously.  Editing.  Photos.  I finished the last of my Incredible Photography Month early last week, and then we packed up and headed for Maine for my brother Joe’s graduation from Bowdoin College.

I was up until midnight or one or two every night for weeks (except when I collapsed a few times at 8pm).  I had friends stopping in to help watch my kids so I could get a few extra hours of photo work in.  It was intense…and wonderful.  I think I feel most happy and alive and energized when I am focused and productive and a little over-worked.  It is a wonderful feeling.  Thanks to all my lovely clients who help me get that excellent high:)  And to my husband and friends for helping me meet my deadlines!

Our trip to Maine was wonderful…but that’s another post.  For now, I’ll share a few tid-bits about our life these last weeks.

We went to Wichita a couple weeks ago for Bryan’s mom’s mom’s funeral (that’s Grandma Harvey).  Sweet Grandma.  Such a lovely person she was.  Grandpa has since moved into an assisted living home with a lot of support from his kids.  Although the purpose and reason for our trip was a sad one, it sure was pleasant to see all of Bryan’s family again.  Plus we got to see cousins who we don’t see regularly.  Andrew and Sylvia really enjoyed playing with Bryan’s cousin’s children, and we had some really companionable meals and get-togethers. Photos from Wichita are in the gallery.


Andrew had his last day of preschool at Monona Grove Nursery School.  He is so excited about going to Kindergarten in the fall, he can barely wait.  And he talks regularly about how Joe is graduating from college (“That means you’ve completed all the requirements,” he says) and he has graduated from preschool.  We (OK, maybe mostly I…Andrew’s a kid who lives in the moment) am going to miss the teachers and kids and parents.  Andrew’s years at Monona Grove Nursery School have been really special.  Luckily, Syliva will attend preschool there in a year-and-a-half!

In April, Sylvia transitioned rapidly from diapers to undies.  She’s a big girl now.  I haven’t changed a poopy diaper in months.  That, my friends, is a wonderful thing to be able to say.  4.75 years of diapers.  She was dry at night for a couple weeks, and then we had lots of accidents, so I decided it was better for me to sleep well at night than for her to be totally diaper-free.  Next step: a big girl bed.  Not sure when, but it’s coming:)

Andrew had a visitation for his new Kindergarten: Nuestro Mundo last week.  While Bryan and I learned about Kindergartner’s daily schedule, Andrew and the other soon-to-be kindergartners all went off to play with a teacher.  He came back with a picture he’d colored of a frog.  And he is SO EXCITED about his frog.  And his new school.  And coloring more frogs at his new school starting September 1.  Which, as far as he’s concerned, can’t come soon enough!

As a side note, do you know that kindergartners only get two recesses for part of the year?  Then it’s just one.  And lunch plus recess is 45 minutes.  That seems crazy.  How are kids going to learn if they’re in classrooms all day with such limited time to move and engage in free-play?  And the lunch/recess time seems like it’s setting kids up to shovel down their food as fast as possible.  Seems like a bad idea.  I liked this article on the importance placed on school lunch in France.  But other than those things, the school seems like it’s set up really nicely.  It made me a little bit stunned and frankly, ill to watch Andrew bound up the Elementary School staircase.  How did my baby become a boy?

Last week was also Eli’s 5th birthday.  We attended his birthday party and spent some time with him on his birthday morn.  Photos of our playtimes are in the gallery.  Andrew’s pretty giddy about the fact that it is now June and his own birthday is coming up!




My sweetheart’s birthday was a couple weeks ago.  We were in Wichita for his birthday, and then when we returned home that week, we celebrated his birthday is lots of little ways.  The highlight was when we showed Bryan the hammock we’d gotten for him.  Andrew kept the secret for weeks, and Bryan was really excited.


05-22-10_wichita_010 Bryan’s last day of work at OpGen was last Wednesday.  Thanks to all his co-workers for giving him a great send-off:)  He’s home with us all the rest of the week, and then he starts his new job on Monday, June 7.

I took lots of photos during our trip to Maine.  Stay tuned!


Father’s Day mini-photo session

Did you take a peek at the Mom & Me photography mini-sessions I did earlier this month (post 1, post 2, post 3)?  So many flowers and so much fun!  I just decided to offer a similar deal for dads.

Father’s Day Photography Mini-Sessions

Hip hip hooray!  It’s almost Father’s Day!  As a special treat honoring grandpas and fathers and children, I’m offering a special Papa’s generational mini-session on Sunday, June 6.

There’s something so special about the way a father holds his child’s hand.  There’s magic in the way children can look up at their dads with such trust and belief in their eyes.  I’m offering this mini-session to give you the opportunity to capture some of those interactions for your family albums.

Here's my boy Andrew and my dad!

Whether it’s Dad with his kids or if Grandpa (and even Great-Grandpa!) join in, we’ll have a fun time playing and capturing some images that your kids are sure to treasure.

This “Papas generational mini-session” event will be held on Sunday, June 6 at Tenney Park.  Evening light is golden, and we’ll get to explore around the lagoon, wander across bridges, and soak in all the sights and sounds of a June evening at the park.  Dads, grandpas, and their little ones can reserve a 15-20 minute photo session, which will include at least 10 edited images and a personal online viewing and purchasing gallery for $60. Prints and gifts will be available for purchase.

Moms, this would be a great Father’s Day gift for Dad and Grandpa (they’ll be thrilled to hear that it’s not a stiff studio session!).  Grandparents can be so hard to shop for, and this would be a lovely way to create memories that can be bottled up and looked at years later.  Make it a fun evening with a trip to the Chocolate Shoppe afterward!

To see available time slots and to request an appointment, visit my website.  Questions? Call me at 223.9539 or email

Where are you??

I’ve had several friends and family members send me notes the last week asking where on earth I was.  Why wasn’t I posting?  How’s life??

Well, friends, I have been busy.  In the last two weeks, I’ve taken and mostly edited about 5,000 photos for Althea Dotzour Photography.  Pictures of the Dotzour children during that time: 0.

In the last month, I think I’ve put more hours into my photography work than ever before.  I’ve been sneaking in an hour or two of work during the day.  I’ve asked friends to take my kids so I can get some time to work (thank you!!).  I’ve been staying up until midnight or one or even two on a very regular basis.  And the most amazing part (to me) is that I’m so productive.  I’m not reading blogs or hanging out on Facebook (unless it’s to “friend” and post pics of clients).  I’m burning through my to-do lists.  Despite my slight exhaustion, I am so happy.  I love my work.  Love love, passion, love!

However, while I’ve been preoccupied with my work, there’s been quite a few events happening in our little world that I want to share.

The first is a sad one.  Bryan’s grandma…LuAnn’s mom…suffered a bad stroke last week.  She’s been in the hospital since then, and this morning, she passed away.  Bryan’s mom has been in Wichita since last week, and it sounds like there’s a good community who have been helping and supporting each other and Grandpa Harvey through this hard time.  Grandma Harvey turned 92 a few days ago.  And she’s leaving behind a beautiful legacy.  A 70-year marriage, three wonderful kids and lots of grand kids and great-grand kids.  We’re going to be flying to Wichita over the weekend.  I believe the funeral will be on Monday.
I’m sorry that I didn’t share news about Grandma Harvey earlier.  For those of you who didn’t know her, I knew her as a sweet, tiny grandma who simply adored her family.  She and Grandpa were clearly so content and gentle and upstanding and honorable and loving.  My heart goes out to Grandpa.  It’s got to be a tough thing to lose your life partner.

Sweet Grandma Harvey.  We’ll miss you.  We’re so glad we go to spend such a nice time together last month.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here in Madison, Bryan’s had a tumultuous week.  He’d been approached about a new by a local company and spent the last few weeks interviewing.  They offered him a position (Bryan’s a software engineer) last week, and then he spent what felt like a month but was really only about four days trying to decide if he should stay at OpGen or if he should move.  Two days ago (Tuesday), Bryan accepted the new job.  He’ll be working for an online designer retail company called ShopBop.  It’s owned by Amazon.  So starting on June 7, he’ll be going to a new place of employment.  I’m really excited for him, and I hope he’s challenged and inspired and that he has a great time.  Their offices are much closer to our home, so that will be a nice change!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you’d like to see a little of what I’ve been up to, visit my photography blog:

Lots of cute kids to see there!  And if you’re interested in booking a session with me this summer, contact me in the next couple weeks.  My session fee goes up on May 31, so book now to get a low rate.  And spread the word:)

Chow friends!


Wichita pics – the final edition

Here are a few final pictures from our Wichita trip.

Grandma Jo has this crazy wind-up bar tender from the late 1940s.  He mixes a martini and then drinks it and then smoke comes out of his ears.  Sylvia was fascinated and a little scared.  She called him “coffee man” and said his coffee was “too hot.”

IMG_6110Here’s Granny and the kids playing with the balloons during the birthday party.

IMG_5956And here’s Sylvia looking sweet.  She found that stuffed dog at Grandma and Grandpa Harvey’s on Friday, and it hasn’t yet left her grasp.

IMG_6187Here’s Sylvia setting up her toys to play.  She is really getting into playing with stuffed animals and dolls and lawn ornaments.  It’s cute to watch!


I love this picture of Mark and his mom sharing a laugh.

IMG_6190Here’s Bryan’s two grandmas.  Such sweet ladies!

IMG_6198Andrew loved that party blower.  Here he is, a day later, and still giving it a good work-out.


This is my treasure from Grandma Jo.  She works at a thrift store called Economy Corner, and every visit she gives us a variety of fun and/or silly gifts. This girl here (along with the bejeweled candle holder) may take the cake!

Soccer, Gator, and baby eyes

While we were in Wichita last weekend, we had the pleasure of spending our Saturday evening with our friends Julie and Jerry.  Bryan and Julie were good friends in high school, and it’s always a treat when our Wichita visits include some time with them.  Julie and Jerry have two boys.  Grayson just turned five (so he’s a few months older than Andrew) and Carter just turned one (so he’s about a year younger than Sylvie).

The evening of our visit was warm and spring-ish, so we spent a lot of time outdoors.  I took, well, a lot of pictures of Grayson and Carter.  All of them can be seen (and downloaded if anyone’s interested) in the gallery.  My favorites are below.

IMG_6358While Andrew didn’t remember Grayson from our visit last year, they played so sweetly together.  After spending a few hours together, Andrew seemed to add Grayson to his internal “best buds” list.

IMG_6339There’s baby Carter with his mama.

IMG_6318Dads with babes.

IMG_6356Looking up toward their front door.

IMG_6368Grayson has a John Deere Gator.  They drove it all around the cul-du-sac.  Andrew took a turn driving and did really well.  Sylvia was really interested in taking a ride, but then when the time came, she had second thoughts:)  It’s a very big truck!

IMG_6299Carter was often walking with his hands up in the air.  Such a cute baby move!

IMG_6268What a little doll.

IMG_6234Look at those eye lashes!?!  Grayson has always had cheek-kissing lashes.

IMG_6249Carter walking up to mom and dad.


Grayson is riding his bike without training wheels, and boy, does he fly!IMG_6265Andrew and Grayson had a lot of fun kicking the ball around the yard.  Well, they mostly had a lot of fun.  Grayson is a bit more skilled in the art of dribbling a soccer ball.  Andrew got a lot of practice chasing him.  Then they’d roll down the hill together.

IMG_6360Dad (and Sylvia) get into the action.

IMG_6373Julie and Jerry, it was such fun to spend the evening with you!  I wish we could all play together a lot more often.  Maybe we’ll be able to plan a trip some day:)

Birthday party…for whom?

When we were in Wichita last weekend, Bryan’s parents planned a little birthday shindig.  The twist…it wasn’t actually anyone’s birthday!  But since we don’t tend to be together to celebrate birthdays (except for the kiddos), Bryan’s parents threw a party for everyone!

IMG_5938We had balloons and cake…and even presents!

After several rounds of singing “Happy Birthday” and chowing down on some yummy BBQ take-out, we pulled out some party blowers and got silly:)






So today…whether it’s your birthday or not…happy birthday!  Have some cake:)

My girl picking flowers

IMG_6055 We spent last Friday afternoon hanging out at Grandma Jo’s home.  Sylvia got a pretty new pink dress (which she immediately put on), and then she went out in the backyard to run around.  So cute!






