Andrew’s sixth birthday party was held (again) at Tenney Park Beach. Having a June birthday makes for such easy party planning! Pick a park, invite some family and friends, get a pinata and a cake, and voila – party:)
After arriving, we set out the food, and of course, the beautiful castle cake.

Andrew is seeing the finished product for the first time. Granny added two knights at the front and a castle-destroying dragon at the back.
Here’s the dragon, tearing down a wall of the cake-castle. 
What a great birthday cake. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sylvia requests her own castle cake come next February. 
Andrew did a nice job of hosting his party this year. Here he is with his best bud from school – Jayquan.
Two buddies. Andrew’s missed his friend this summer! 
Here are some of the girls working on a sand castle. I told Andrew he could invite six friends. In addition to Jayquan, he picked Alivia and Rayna and Eli and Celia. So sweet! 
Here’s a sweet pic of Andrew and his dad. 
Andrew has a loose tooth! You can see that the grown-up tooth is coming in right behind his front left baby tooth. 
The kids had a lot of fun clambering around on the monkey bars! 
Bryan and his mama. 
Here’s me and Kathy. Thanks to Bryan’s dad for taking the camera for a bit to get some photos of me at the party! 
There’s me with my dad and Bubs. 
Lighting candles at the beach can be a bit of a trick. There was a breeze, and the candles wouldn’t stay lit, but we contrived a way to block the wind long enough for a new six year old to blow them out. 
Here’s our crew. My friend Samara happened to be at the park, so her daughter Anika (who knew Andrew when they were both babes) joined in for the pinata fun. Then there’s Alivia, Celia, Eli, Andrew, Jayquan, and Rayna in the front.
Everyone got a turn whacking the pinata horse, and then Eli (I think) broke it open. Andrew got the final turn to blast out the candy. 
Here’s the kiddos gathering their candy horde. 
There’s pretty Alivia. 
And Sylvia opens her up as she goes. 
Looks like Alivia was quite successful in her candy gathering:) 
Party decor… 
Uncle Bubba was the chief party entertainer. He helped Andrew and Eli and Jayquan happily play together. And he was jungle gym extraordinaire. 
There’s me and Lisa. 
And one of the few pictures of me and Bryan occupying the same frame… 
There’s me with both my dads and my bro.
To everyone who joined us, thanks for making the party a fun time! And for those of you farther afield, thanks for the birthday wishes and loving presence you are in Andrew’s life. He’s one happy and lucky 6-year-old boy:)