Needed: Book recommendations

Have I mentioned that the kids and I are leaving for Texas tomorrow?  We are.  I’ll be hanging out with them and with Bryan’s parents until Sunday, and then I fly home to Madison for a couple days before Bryan and I fly to (drum roll please) Sweden!

I can’t imagine what it is going to be like to be child-free for eleven days.  Eleven.  Eleven.  Wow.  That’s a long time.  And while I have a twinge of nausea at the thought of being apart my my dear ones for that long, I mostly feel like dancing around.  Weeeeee!  What will we do with all our free time?

Bryan’s friend Kaleb gets married in western Sweden on July 22 (see a post here for background).  We’ll be in Sweden for eight days.  Ahh, eight days in Europe.  I really can’t believe it.

So here’s what I need from you.  Dear readers of my blog, please help me by sending me recommendations for books that I should read while on my trip. I’d like to read some good books.

With all my photo business activities, I’ve done almost no pleasure reading this summer.  Jessica just gave me A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg. And I’m loving it!  My favorite book in ’08 was A Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver.

We’ll have two international flights and lots of mornings and evenings to read.  Ahhh reading.  How I love you.  How I miss you!

I’m looking forward to hearing what you all recommend!

52 Replies to “Needed: Book recommendations”

  1. Water for Elephants was very good, but a thinker. Just finished Love the One Your With by Emily Giffin…a fun summer read. Have a good trip (trips?).

  2. Julie – I've been meaning to read the Time Traveler's wife for years. Thanks for the reminder. I've reserved it from the library. Michell – I haven't read either of your recommendations. They sound good!Grace – I'm thinking maybe grown-up books for this trip. Anne – excellent recommendation! I look forward to reading it.Kaleb – we can't wait to see you at the airport either! Thanks for planning to pick us up. I'm so looking forward to meeting Karin and baby Arvid!

  3. Hey Blake, we're actually flying into Houston tomorrow. Then we're driving on to College Station, which isn't too far from you, but not exactly close either! Your kiddos have gotten so very big and grown-up. They look like lovely kids.

  4. I loved The Time Traveller's Wife. It's sort of SciFi-ish. Some of my friends thought it was confusing (the timeline is not a straight line), but that was not a problem for me. Even knowing what was coming at the end didn't keep me from crying. Water for Elephants is also good. I know the ex-wife of the author's husband so it has a strange personal connection for me (I also know the author's husband, just not as well). Have great trips to Texas and Sweden–check them out for possible alumni adventures! 🙂

  5. I also agree on Water For Elephants. I'm currently reading Trail of Crumbs which is great. Prior to that I read The Middle Place…loved it!

  6. Hi- You two are going to have a great time! Steve and I listened to "Sweetness in the Belly" during our East Coast trip. It is historical fiction about Ethiopia during the 1970s-80s told through a British women and her Eithiopian friends. We really enjoyed it.

  7. Julie – I've been meaning to read the Time Traveler's wife for years. Thanks for the reminder. I've reserved it from the library. Michell – I haven't read either of your recommendations. They sound good!Grace – I'm thinking maybe grown-up books for this trip. Anne – excellent recommendation! I look forward to reading it.Kaleb – we can't wait to see you at the airport either! Thanks for planning to pick us up. I'm so looking forward to meeting Karin and baby Arvid!

  8. Hey Blake, we're actually flying into Houston tomorrow. Then we're driving on to College Station, which isn't too far from you, but not exactly close either! Your kiddos have gotten so very big and grown-up. They look like lovely kids.

  9. Julie – I've been meaning to read the Time Traveler's wife for years. Thanks for the reminder. I've reserved it from the library. Michell – I haven't read either of your recommendations​. They sound good!Grace – I'm thinking maybe grown-up books for this trip. Anne – excellent recommendation!​ I look forward to reading it.Kaleb – we can't wait to see you at the airport either! Thanks for planning to pick us up. I'm so looking forward to meeting Karin and baby Arvid!

  10. Water for Elephants was very good, but a thinker. Just finished Love the One Your With by Emily Giffin…a fun summer read. Have a good trip (trips?).

  11. Julie – I've been meaning to read the Time Traveler's wife for years. Thanks for the reminder. I've reserved it from the library. Michell – I haven't read either of your recommendations. They sound good!Grace – I'm thinking maybe grown-up books for this trip. Anne – excellent recommendation! I look forward to reading it.Kaleb – we can't wait to see you at the airport either! Thanks for planning to pick us up. I'm so looking forward to meeting Karin and baby Arvid!

  12. Hey Blake, we're actually flying into Houston tomorrow. Then we're driving on to College Station, which isn't too far from you, but not exactly close either! Your kiddos have gotten so very big and grown-up. They look like lovely kids.

  13. Okay, two good ones I’ve read lately are: “Same Kind of Different As Me” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. A great, true story, and most of it takes place in TX!! Bryan would love it, too — lots of our guy friends have read it and enjoyed it. And, “Marley and Me” by John Grogan… it will make you laugh and cry, all in one plane ride. I know — because I did. =) Have wonderful and safe travels, and give Kaleb a hug from us!

  14. Thanks Julie! I requested both of them from the library. I love books and movies that make me laugh and cry in the same story. That’s what life is like, isn’t it:)

  15. Since you are going to Sweden, I recommend Out Stealing Horses by Per Pettersson. I have a copy if you want to borrow it.

    Also, for sheer hilarity, I recommend I Love You, Beth Cooper.

  16. I loved The Time Traveller's Wife. It's sort of SciFi-ish. Some of my friends thought it was confusing (the timeline is not a straight line), but that was not a problem for me. Even knowing what was coming at the end didn't keep me from crying. Water for Elephants is also good. I know the ex-wife of the author's husband so it has a strange personal connection for me (I also know the author's husband, just not as well). Have great trips to Texas and Sweden–check them out for possible alumni adventures! 🙂

  17. Funny. I was just going to recommend Out Stealing Horses too. I haven’t read it yet, but my parents just pawned it off on me enthusiastically and I’m looking forward to starting it once I finish slogging my way through Nudge.

    Also: A History of Love, Life of Pi, Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse… I guess that is probably enough books for one week. 🙂

    Enjoy! I can hardly even imagine!!!

  18. OK, Julia, once you and Althea read OSH, we need to have a mini-book group meeting and discussion. I’ve been dying to talk it over with someone!!

  19. If you haven’t read the very popular Eat, Pray, Love yet, it’s great. I wondered whether it would be, with all the hype it got, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 🙂

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