Our Place

With warm sunshine coming in the windows and flowery decorations all around, I felt inspired to take some new pictures of our little home.

Click the picture for pictures of our home this spring.


We've also got lots of new plantie pictuers Winter Spring

We moved to Ann Arbor from Northfield, MN on June 22, 2000.  Our apartment community is Park Place Apartments on the western side  of Ann Arbor.

Since many of you will never see our place, we thought we would take you on a walking tour (it's not big, the tour won't last long).
We've also got some pictures of The Planties (who mostly made the drive from Northfield OK) and pictures of the areas Around our Apartment.

Welcome to our apartment.  Ring our door bell on the outside door and we'll "buzz" you in.  We're on the second floor.  You can see our windows to the left (the first floor's windows are hidden behind the bush).
Here is our front door.
You walk first in to our living room.  We've got some nice windows that let in quite a bit of light.

Crossing through the living room and turning around toward the front door, you get another view.

The dining room is a cozy area.  The kitties have their feeding corner straight ahead, and the kitchen is just to the left.

Our kitchen is pretty small, but it's working out OK.


Back in the living room, you walk down this little hallway to our office (straight ahead), bathroom (to the right), and bedroom (to the left).

Our office has a nice window that gives us a cross breeze.  A crane-mobile dances in the wind.

The bedroom is of pretty nice size.  It's been wonderful to have our bed back after two weeks of waiting for our stuff to arrive.

If you were to leave our apartment and go around to the back, this is what our balcony looks like.  It makes me happy.


We've also got some pictures of The Planties (who mostly made the drive from Northfield OK) and pictures of the areas Around our Apartment.

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Updated April 13, 2001