Andrew’s new bedroom

Andrew and Sylvia got new beds this fall.  Since he moved out of his toddler bed, Andrew’s had the lower trundle from the bed I had a kid.  I kind of wanted Andrew and Sylvie to share one bedroom and have the other room be a play room.  But Sylvie really needs her own space when she gets mad – which is still a lot – so after discussing it, we decided to keep two separate bedrooms.  However, we’d already talked about bunk beds, and Andrew was pretty keen on (read: committed to) the idea.

The bed itself was back ordered for a month, but in October, it came in, and I’m so happy with how it looks!  I took all the wall hangings down and re-hung them in places that I liked.  For the past four years, they’ve been hanging in spots where there happened to be nail holes in the walls, and it felt nice to put things together in a more cohesive way.

Andrew’s room looks nice and big since I took these pictures with a wide-angle lens – actual dimensions are (12.75′ by 9.5′).  (Sylvia’s room in contrast is is 9.5′ x 9′ square.)





I’m so happy with how this guy’s room looks!  It feels nice to have pictures on the walls in a nice configuration (the blue fabric square is from Joe’s trip to Sri Lanka and the tapestry is from his trip to Ecuador).  The water color drawings up around the top bunk used to hang in the living room, but Andrew liked the idea of them in his room.

He’s slept on the top bunk since the bed’s second night here.  And Sylvia has in turn slept on the bottom bunk.  It’s fun to have these two munchkins falling asleep and waking together.  Good for sibling bonding:)

And I’m so happy to have these rooms furnished and arranged in ways that makes my heart glad.  Happy big boy room, Andrew!